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20年政绩落得 不孝子, 不光彩的结局。

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PAP is caught in the historic Impossibility?

  PAP is caught in the historic Impossibility? Whether Lawrence Wong is smart or not smart, kind or not kind, lucky or not lucky, his 4G team is caught in the historic impossibility.  THE BIG PROBLEMS ARE NOT GOING TO  BE SOLVED BY THIS ELECTION, said Inderjit Singh in a recent interview. For so many years, housing, cost of living, health care, good paying jobs, remain unsolved despite the higher and higher per capita income in Singapore.  How to gain back the trust of Singaporeans and assure a United People will provide equality and living affordability?        The PAP pretends they are in touch with the people through NTUC, PA, and many grassroots organisations.  These are like PORMA, assuming false news based on their own judgement not the real feedback.     Is luck still at the PAP side?  Is May 15 a special day? Do remember Singapore is not equal to the PAP.   Enough chance has been given to three generations of the PAP.  Lawrence Wong is no different.    

殷吉星的忠告:接地气,了解民情,P A P听进多少?

  殷吉星的忠告:接地气,了解民情,P A P听进多少? 前P A P议员殷吉星最近受访,建议人民行动党应该接近人民,了解人民的需要。不过,他认为P A P还是会继续牢牢控制基层组织,即使被批评,依然故我。通过基层组织接近选民,已经越来越无效,但是,党本身却找不到一条接近人民管道,只好死马当活马医。 最重要的,他指出来临的大选,无法解决新加坡面对的大问题:物价,房价。殷吉星认为,政府在这方面做得不够,几十年没有取得应有的进展。大选红包发了,问题还是无法解决。这很像国际上,流行的口号:脱钩,去风险,产能过剩。 脱钩。人民行动党已经离人民越来越远,传统的基层组织已经无法取得过去的业绩,反而让人觉得浪费国家资源,公器私用。年轻人越来越不认同P A P的做法,而且,敢以选票表示不满。 去风险。危难时刻,选民选择人民行动党。这套道理越来越不管用。除了因为李光耀过世的效用,2011和2020年的大选,已经证明新加坡选民开始意识到去风险,不能够让P A P一党独大,垄断国会。 产能过剩。国会里有太多没有作为的PAP议员和部长。新加坡过去几年,不但在人均上,也在教育上取得进步。这些议员和部长,在素质上并没有比失业的大学和理工学院毕业生好多少。国家需要养这么多无用的人,来维护P A P政权吗?为什么不让其他人有机会发表不同的声音? 脱钩,去风险,产能过剩的下一步,将减少P A P议员人数,即将来临的大选,有好戏看喔!

By ‘Singapore’s Political Correctness’, the USA is a failed state.

  By ‘Singapore’s Political Correctness’, the USA is a failed state. Why? Debts for future generations. Broken laws and orders, from schools to supermarkets.   Leaders with no foresight, from Afghanistan, Ukraine to Israel. Outdated infrastructure, from airports, seaports, to railway, metro system. Incompetent manufacturing, from low end to high end, supply chain problems. Too many local talking (lawyers, bankers), too few local actors (engineers, scientists)  Surprise or not surprise, fail or not fail, Singaporean intellects and leaders still believe in aligning with the USA.

快刀斩乱麻?亿元增国库? 厘清洗钱案?做选举准备?

  快刀斩乱麻?亿元增国库? 厘清洗钱案?做选举准备?

From Airshow to MacRichie: All Visitors Are Equal. Why ask where they are from?

  From Airshow to MacRichie: All Visitors Are Equal. Why ask where they are from? For the Airshow, we can claim innocence as this is the problem of Airbus and the German military. For the incident at MacRichie, it is our responsibility to ensure all visitors are equal.   Why does this happen in Singapore? Western narrative, American influence, hate speech or the colonised mindset. We welcome Chinese money but have second thoughts on Chinese visitors. What image  do we intend to project?    


  PAP的信心赤字,大选前来得及修补吗? 当前的世界局势,人民对于政治人物的信任度很低。当然,PAP说自己独善其身,不受影响,提出调查数据证明PAP深得民心。真的如此,哪来信心赤字? 新的选举官即将上任,是不是一种转运手段?还是,对于选举,PAP是信心满满,换政府是不可能发生。因此,信心赤字从何而来?有何修补的必要?况且,撒钱已经满足了大部分人的信心回流。 真的没有信心赤字吗?真的没有贫富悬殊,差距越来越大的信心危机吗?当新加坡人辛苦越堤前往新山消费,是不是对于本地通货膨胀的忧心?这种现象一直创造新的高点,到底代表什么? PAP有没有修补信心危机的动作?最近的几宗司法案件,和信心修补有关吗?如果撒钱不够的话,最后关头,还是可以加码的。新的领导班子的确需要修补信心赤字。 泰勒丝来了又走了,是否提高年轻人对PAP的的信心、观感?反对以色列大使馆的中东言论,危害本地的和谐,加分还是减分? 亿万富豪带来工作机会,很不幸带来更多低薪机会。富豪买豪宅,从中得利的却是像马宝山这样的前部长和其他以前用相对低价购买地产的人。这些人有套利机会,一般人很少有这种巨大利益的机会。可负担的组屋,对于年轻一代,真的是可负担得起吗?信得过吗? 信心赤字其实跟经济有关。尤其是所谓的西方发达经济体,如果领袖无法给人们带来经济红利,面对选举就变成信心赤字。应该说,不单信心赤字,领袖素质的赤字,更加令人担心。新加坡不期待未来几年出现高增长,因此,财富的公平分配,税务的分担,就成了信心的指标。如果PAP觉得没有问题,人民却出现相反观感,信心赤字、危机就出现了。